September 3 rd , BM Notes
BM Chair: Lauren
BM Co-Chair: Lisa
Secretaries: Elle and Lauren
SC Members Present: Dennis, Maya, Jeremy, Kristen, Amy, Elle, Lisa, and Donna. Barbara communicated
her absence.
I. Treasurer’s Report-Elle
A. Report
1. Elle set aside money for the Zoom room so that we don’t dip into prudent reserves.
2. She showed all of our expenses in an organized manner and explained the
document that she screenshared.
B. ORC is running out of money within the month. We can set aside $225 so that they can
fulfill their orders. We can also let the money run out and pull out the ORC
C. BM Response
1. Dennis-As long as the Customer Reward has nothing to do with our group being in
AA, then it is okay. We can’t accept outside donations. Suggested voting to set aside
money for Zoom expenses. He has nothing against setting aside money but wants to
make sure that it is GC.
2. Kristen-Pointed out that setting aside money was voted on a long time ago. Old GC
needs to be revisited, but it might be cumbersome to vote on this again. There is a
clear and distinct need to save money.
3. Elle-The Zoom expenses are due soon, and we don’t want to dip into our prudent
reserves too much.
4. Sebastion inquired about which expenses are most important to fulfill. Maybe
prioritizing ORC vs. donations.
5. Elle-We go by percentages for ORC and donations. It’s not really regarding a level of
importance. That’s just how the numbers work out based on the percentages
outlined by the group. She said that ORC can ask for a one-time contribution from
the group unless the group does not have the money.
D. Motion to approve report.
1. Seconded and Passed (17 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
II. ORC Update
A. Del gave 3 options for the group.
1. Motion to pull the ORC announcement and let the allotted money run out.
2. Motion to keep the announcement and get the $225 from the group.
3. Motion to pull the ORC announcement and get the $225 from the group.
B. BM Response
1. Garrett-Asked if we are getting rid of ORC.
– Del- No. We would just be pulling the ORC cohost blurb to avoid a back order.
The service will still be offered and used.
– Garrett- Asked about the sourcing for the book orders.
– Del-Hazelden is used for books and coins. Wants to move towards for
books because it is more cost efficient.
2. Dennis-Getting chips from Hazelden should be okay, but we should get books from Hazelden is not officially AA.
3. Jeremy motioned to move back to for books. (This was remanded later)
4. Del-Explained that Big Books are between $13-$15 plus shipping which comes out to
$15-$20. Chips through Hazelden are around $2. 2 requests for books or coins per
day on average.
5. Garrett-Against traditions to use outside enterprises. Might want to change sourcing
6. Lisa-Wondered if it was fiscally feasible to order books in bulk. She wondered if it
would save money.
– Del-Is unsure about how much it would save. He could look into it. He wondered
where the books would be stored and how they would be shipped. He was
looking into VPN to order locally for certain orders.
7. Elle-When we switched bank accounts, that changed some info. An account has not
been set up for She was worried about information exposure because she
would have to use her own address. She would prefer to keep her anonymity
protected, which is very understandable. It is a process to create an account and
that will take some time. We will need to designate our group as a district or area.
She proposed having it Delaware. Default to Cali. The request will take 60 days. We
might want to hold off on changing our sourcing material for books until the process
has been completed.
8. Lauren seconded the third option that Del proposed and to have a monthly BM
update from the ORC. Motion to pull the ORC announcement and give $225 to the
– Seconded and Passed (19 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
9. Lauren seconded Lisa’s proposal in the chat to accept area 12 as our official area.
– Seconded and Passed (15 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
10. Lauren motioned to allow Elle to go through the process of making an account for and doing whatever is necessary to not disclose her own info. Table the
sourcing for ORC books to go through
– Seconded and Passed (20 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
III. Safety Issues
A. ORC Email/DEI Resource Coordinator Email: Regarding the emails that are used for
group purposes outside of the Website, I propose that the passwords must be changed
each time a member’s term is over or someone resigns. This is a way to safeguard the
information that isn’t being handled by the tech team and to keep the spirit of rotation
in mind.
1. Seconded and Passed (17 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
B. Elle: Please hold on additional nominations for ORC until we can discuss at SC meeting. I
chatted with Del, and he said 3 ORC members work well for monitoring, organizing, and
fulfilling orders. Also, we both agree it also reduces inherent risk associated with shared
vendor accounts which need password changes when someone begins or leaves ORC
1. Lauren motioned to reduce ORC from 5 to 3 members.
– Seconded and Passed (15 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
C. Website Safety Measures
1. Lauren reached out to Jeremy about removing previous service members’ viewing
access on the Website.
– Jeremy is currently working on this now. He posted a document on the service
threads. Everyone on the service team will need to fill out this form. If you do
not fill out this form, you will no longer be able to view the service sections on
the website! (8/31/2023)
2. Lauren also asked him if previous SC members’ viewing access of the SC Feedback
can be removed.
– Jeremy has also completed this task. SC members are now able to view SC
feedback. Anyone who is no longer on the Steering Committee had their
viewing permissions removed. (8/31/2023)
3. Lisa: Pointed out that there are already layers added and measures in place. The
trainers work with the Website Admin to make sure that new service members only
get viewing access after they go through the training process.
4. Jeremy-This is being done, but there needs to be an overhaul on the website. He
and Danielle have been working towards that. Probably doesn’t need to go to the
5. Lauren-Mostly included this section as an update and for communication purposes.
D. We had a safety issue in the meeting. A bomber was tagged by the Host. The bomber
was using service team member names and pictures. They asked the Host to be tagged
in the Chat, not the Live Thread. Our GC is requesting cohost tags in the Live Thread. The
chat should only be used when the Host’s attention is diverted. The request for tags
should always happen in the Live Thread first. Luckily, the service team was on top of it.
Sarah S came to the rescue. They caught it very promptly and did a great job. (August SC
1. Patricia: I think it would be a good idea for all service members to be required to
have their cameras on while they are doing service. I believe it will help with
bombers taking control of the meeting like they did tonight. I think a bomber
entered with a co-host name and that’s how they were able to boot so many ppl
tonight, but the team did an amazing job with regaining control and saved our
meeting tonight. (August SC Feedback)
2. Lisa said that we need to remind the group to use the Live Thread. She will also be
including an update for this in the Host Feedback Workshop.
3. Lauren will be including this reminder in the next Group Announcements.
4. Dennis: Doesn’t always look at the Live Thread. People who want to be cohosted
should have their video on as an added safety measure.
5. Kristen: There is general confusion about the threads. People are not checking the
Live Thread which is GC. Hosts need to look at the Live Thread before cohosting
people. She wondered if there’s a training issue with the threads.
6. Lauren: Jeremy added a section to the Website where all the threads are outlined
through the WhatsApp document. People can be directed there whenever they are
confused about the threads. We are also going to vote to have the updated Service
Practices document on the Website. It has reminders for using the Live Thread to
request cohost tags.
7. Lisa said that the trainers outline all the threads and their purposes during training.
She offered that we should bring it to the BM so that it is documented and give a
verbal update.
E. BM Response
1. Mona-Turning on cameras prior to a cohosting shift was used in the past. It was
effective when bombers were mimicking service team members. Might be a good
idea to reinstate that.
2. Lisa-Would not be able to do service with camera on. Absolutely uncomfortable
keeping the camera on, and this can pose problems with anonymity. Live Thread
needs to be used for its intended purpose. If people use the Live Thread, there
should be no need to turn cameras on. Hosts are supposed to check the Live Thread
for many reasons. First and foremost, it is the group’s conscience to use the Live
Thread. It is our own individualistic responsibility to follow GC. She said that she has
made the error of not checking the Live Thread too, but she self-corrected by
directing cohosts who DM her in the meeting to ask for tags in the Live Thread.
3. Leona (Chat)-If you don’t have a camera, how can you be cohosted?
4. Garrett-Accidentally cohosted two people who had the same name. It might ease
confusion to remove nicknames prior to doing service work. Using the first name
and last initial.
5. Dennis-Not proposing that people need to keep their cameras on the whole shift
but just flashing the camera until tags are given. Sometimes, keeping up with the
Live Thread can be difficult. He says that he always checks the schedule for tagging
purposes. Looking at cameras for a second might help.
6. Kristen-Wonders if there is a training issue. Not all new people disregard the Live
Thread. It’s only a small handful of people who use the chat instead of the Live
Thread. She wondered if trainers could assist new service team members during
their first shifts. Be there as a pseudo-cohost and help guide/support the new
members. She understands that people have busy schedules, but this can be part of
the responsibility of ensuring cohosts’ understanding. This was previously practiced
by trainers regularly and worked effectively. Kristen encouraged people to ask
questions. Other scheduled members can’t help out when no questions are being
7. Mona-Agreed with Garrett. Using the first name with the last initial when doing
service might help. Nicknames can be confusing when a Host is attempting to tag
8. Amy-She reiterated our current GC for using the Live Thread to get cohost tags. She
suggested having some type of plan before starting a shift.
– Lauren (Side Note): Amy makes a valid point about creating some type of plan
before starting a shift. Giving oneself a little wiggle room when creating one’s
availability with schedulers can be helpful. Looking at the schedule, having one’s
affairs organized before a shift, preparing the screenshared readings, and having
some notes written down can be highly beneficial. I would write down
reminders to check the Live Thread, don’t forget the 7 th , remember day-counts,
ask people if they want to share the next hour 5-10 minutes before the top of
the hour, etc. Her share struck a chord with me and wanted to emphasize it a bit
– This idea can work for cohosts too. Make sure to have the Website handy. The
updated Service Practices will be on the Website. Make some notes before
starting the shift like checking direct messages from attendees, sending a
contact list, posting a relevant resource that was brought up in a share, ask to
be untagged, etc.
9. Lisa- Tells members, “Ask me in the Live Thread” when they ask for cohost tags in
the chat. It’s a simple solution to the problem. The required co-hosting time prior to
becoming a Host is important. We learn all the nuances in GC during the required
time. We don’t require the time to exclude anyone or penalize people. It’s to give
people the time to become involved in the learning process.
10. Lauren cut off the discussion time due to time constraints (I apologize if I sounded
short. I should have explained better. We had 17 BM Topics and a lot of them were
issues that could not wait another month or have been long overdue. I have to keep
that in mind when I am chairing.)
11. Lauren motioned to stick to the Live Thread and not use cameras prior to getting
tags. Showing cameras can present anonymity issues for our service team. The Live
Thread should be used for its intended purposes and is more than sufficient to
remedy the problem.
– Seconded and Passed (18 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
12. Lauren motioned for the service team to use their First Name and Last Initial prior to
getting tags. No nicknames for service shifts only.
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
IV. Nominations
A. Lauren: Nominations will be needed for the following: Topics Coordinators and 2
Helpers for Maya’s Project. We need people to form the Anniversary Committee and
more volunteers for the 4th Step Workshop Committee. We always need Sister Meeting
1. Amy volunteered to spearhead the Anniversary Committee!! Thank you, Amy!!!
2. Lisa said that the extra training position might not be necessary. The group will need
to vote to remove the position.
3. Mona reached out to me, and she would like to return to service as a Sister Meeting
Host for the Women’s Meeting. She has reached the required amount of sobriety
time necessary to come back. I motion to vote her in as a Women’s Meeting Host.
B. BM Response
1. Lisa said that the trainers agreed to have the extra training position. We will need to
hold nominations for that position.
2. Dennis discussed the proposal that was later discussed in the LNG Participation
topic. He wanted to encourage people to join the Sister Meetings. Yesterday, no one
showed up to hold the Step Study meeting.
3. Lauren-That proposal will be discussed in a later topic. For now, the topic is
regarding opening nominations. I reiterated that people could volunteer for
committees in the chat or throw their name into the ring.
4. Patricia-Pointed out that her scheduling term will be over this month. We might
want to open nominations.
5. Lauren-Yes, the ones we are voting on, currently, are from August. We are a little
behind in terms of voting people into service. This week, I will be including terms
that are ending in September in the Group Announcements.
6. Lauren-Stated that she would not take any more hands that go up after the voting
had already started due to time constraints.
7. Lauren motioned for all nominations to be opened. Lauren motioned for Mona to
be reinstated as a Women’s Meeting Host and opening nominations for 1 new
training position, 2 Helpers for Maya’s Project, and 2 Topics Coordinators.
– Samantha and Kristen are currently nominated for Topics Coordinators.
– Seconded and Passed (18 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
V. Committee Updates
A. Ban Guidelines Committee-Lauren
1. Lauren and Dennis discussed this prior to the BM. He inquired about any progress.
Lauren informed the group that service work has been extremely hectic this month.
This was probably my busiest month as BM Chair ever. I had to prioritize. Doing
work for this committee will be my priority this month. I don’t think that we will
have time for an outside person to look over the rough draft. No one was available
to read over the rough draft or did not respond. I might just need to put the
finishing touches on the Guidelines and bring it to the group for approval. There will
be more progress by October.
B. Host Feedback Committee-Lisa
1. Lisa said that there were some ideas that needed group approval.
2. They want to motion to offer 3 options for the Workshop Timeframe. They mixed up
the timeframes to allow lenience for people’s schedules.
– One Workshop at 11am on a Sunday
– One Workshop that will occur during regular meeting hours.
– One Workshop that will be scheduled later at night.
3. They want to motion for attendees’ required attendance to, at least, one of these
options. If they do not attend, they will revert back to cohosting. Host attendance
will be logged. This is not a punitive measure, but we have to ensure that people will
show up. This is a responsibility, and feedback is a core aspect of the Hosting
4. Kristen expressed that there were a ton of outlined suggestions that will be used
during the Workshop. She wondered if we need to get a GC vote on every single
suggestion or if it can be brought to the group collectively. She worried that people
might perceive these suggestions as GC and figured that bringing these suggestions
to the group would be a wise move.
– Lauren (Side Note)- Typically, if I have a long document, I bring it to the group
and ask for a collective vote. I post it ahead of time to give people a chance to
read it over. It’s up to individuals to stay informed. Also, everyone participating
in the committee are highly trusted servants and experienced Hosts. At some
point, we have to have faith in those who make all this happen. I think that
explicitly stating that they are suggestions is sufficient disclosure. It means, “This
is not GC, but it has been suggested by those who have plentiful experience.”
Even if something is not GC, there is still wisdom to be learned one way or
– If these feedback suggestions are posted, the group can look them over, and we
can vote to use them in the Workshop. If the group wants to go line by line, that
is still an option, but I would not recommend doing so for the sake of simplicity
and time. If specific suggestions are uncertain, then attention can be brought to
the group for a GC.
5. Jeremy wanted to know if new/future hosts will need to attend the Workshop.
– Lisa-Wants to get through the first set of Workshops before implementing any
future measures. She said that these Workshops will be documented, and notes
will be taken. Any new Hosts should be able to look over the content.
6. Lisa made it clear that everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. We would
love to have our cohosts be a part of these meetings too. They will not be required
for cohosts, but they can enlighten and inform cohosts who may want to start
7. Lauren seconded the motions presented by the Host Feedback Committee.
– Seconded and Passed (14 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
C. 4th Step Workshop Committee-Lauren forgot. Feed her to the dragons.
1. SORRYYYYY!!!!! We will get an update in October.
VI. Website Layout Changes (August SC Meeting)
A. Jeremy: Main page needs to be revamped. He showed the SC exactly what he wants to
change. He wants the “Current Service Positions” page to show the hyperlinks of the
service positions only. Removing the wording next to the hyperlinks. He said this would
be easier to maintain too.
B. He also said that the Website layout needs to be changed, and the group will need to
approve that.
C. Motion to allow Jeremy and Danielle to make necessary changes/updates to the
Website and to change the Website Layout. Jeremy went over this info briefly to help
give further context. This change can allow for the Current Service Positions to be placed
on the Main Website for public viewing in a manner that is easily maintained.
1. Seconded and Passed (15 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
VII. Contact List Removal (July SC Meeting)
A. Update: Barbara has completed a major task for the group. She did a complete overhaul
of the women’s list. It is now up to date. I am seriously impressed with how she
pummeled through that list! It’s a long list!!! If you can give her a virtual round of
applause for what she accomplished, please do so.
B. Prior to Barbara’s term, I was getting messages from newcomers that women on the list
were not responding to them or being outright mean to them. That disturbed me
greatly. Maybe we can discuss a way for the contact list people to request removal in a
simplistic way? Maybe let the group know to contact the coordinators when they want
to be removed?
C. SC Response
1. Lisa: Wanted to know if we could add a section in the service sign-ups where people
can request removal from the contact list.
– Jeremy said that this would be possible.
– Seconded and Passed (15 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
2. Kristen: Suggested for adding the current service positions section to the main
website and make it viewable for people who are not in service too. That way,
people know who they can contact for removal (Contact List Coordinators).
– This was approved through the “Website Layout Changes” Topic.
VIII. August 20 BM Content
A. Safety Card Announcement
1. AA GUTS upholds the Responsibility Statement, ensuring member safety from illegal
or predatory behavior. Any violation of our safety guidelines is promptly addressed.
Report unsafe behavior using the outlined resources in the chat. In the spirit of
integrity, GUTS abides by the message of the AA Safety Card which states: It is this
group’s conscience that if any person endangers another individual or disrupts the
group’s efforts to carry A.A.’s message, the group may ask that person to leave the
meeting. This group strives to safeguard the anonymity of A.A. members and
attendees; however, keep in mind that anonymity in A.A. is not a cloak for unsafe
and illegal behavior. Addressing such behavior and/or contacting the proper
authorities when appropriate, does not go against any A.A. Traditions and is meant
to ensure the safety of all in attendance.
2. Dennis-Post the link to the safety card that was approved by GSO in the chat. It
might not be necessary to read off the Safety Card and just verbally ask people to
read the safety card in the chat.
3. Lauren (Side Note)-Emphasized that it is already GC to read the Safety Card through
multiple Business Meetings. I have a responsibility to facilitate and honor those
votes. The Safety Card that we use in the meeting is the same one approved by GSO.
It’s not the full Safety Card and was cut down slightly for the sake of announcement
time. That editing was also approved by the group in a previous BM. I added the
extra verbiage per the August 20 BM. I kept it minimal and addressed the issues that
the group wanted addressed. The group clearly specified that they wanted us to
post the proper channels and verbally told where they can access them. They also
wanted us to specify that we do not tolerate predatory behavior in a
straightforward way. This was a simple case of fulfilling what had been asked. As an
individual, I wouldn’t mind just simply posting it in the chat and giving a verbal nod
to it. As BM Chair, I would have to urge against it.
4. Motion to approve this vocal script change.
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
B. New Cohost Blurb
1. Maya's excellent proposal involves providing immediate support and resources for
newcomers. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resource email, accessible to SC
members, the coordinator, and her assistants, will operate similarly to the ORC
email. No decisions are made without group involvement. This email was approved
during the July 9th and August 6th BM’s. SC members will have access to Maya's
document and email, aided by two assistants for transparency and shared workload.
This collaborative effort ensures comprehensive involvement.
2. Instead of three separate blurbs, I thought adding this info to the Safety blurb was
the ideal route. Based on any complaint or safety issue, cohosts can send the
appropriate resource to members.
3. Safety Cohost Blurb: Safety is an important issue within AA GUTS — one that all
members can address to develop workable solutions and help keep our meetings
safe. Visit to learn more. These are the proper channels
to address safety concerns within the meeting. Please direct your concerns or
suggestions to the appropriate resource:
– Discrimination Form: GUTS takes discriminatory behavior seriously. For the sake
of creating a safe and equal environment for all attendees, please fill out this
fvGLzVma5fOeUpDM/viewform?edit_requested=true. The Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion Resource Coordinator or a helper will reach out to you.
– Steering Committee Feedback: Steering Committee feedback builds this group’s
conscience. To report a serious safety issue or harassment, offer constructive
feedback to the service team, give suggestions for improvement, or pay a
compliment, please use this form Your feedback
is brought to the GUTS Steering Committee. All matters are facilitated by the
group at the Business Meetings. Please attend the Business Meetings to discuss
the feedback.
– Email: If you would like to receive immediate help or a plethora of resources,
please use this email address [insert email]. This email is available for members
to receive empathetic and personal interaction alongside practical information
that can help the next struggling alcoholic.
4. (Concise Version) Safety Blurb: Your safety is important to us at AA GUTS. Visit to learn more. If you have any safety concerns, please
reach out through these channels respectively:
– Discrimination Form: Report any discriminatory behavior using this form:
fvGLzVma5fOeUpDM/viewform?edit_requested=true. Our Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion Resource Coordinator or a helper will be in touch.
– Steering Committee Feedback: Share your feedback, report safety
issues/harassment, or offer suggestions for meeting improvement by using this
form: Your input goes to the GUTS Steering
Committee and will be discussed at our Business Meetings.
– Email: For immediate help and resources, contact us at [insert email]. This email
is available to offer empathetic support and practical information to those in
C. Jeremy proposed putting Maya’s discrimination form onto the Website. Some are
concerned about having the form outside of the website and want it to be connected to
our channels for reporting issues in the group.
1. BM Response to B and C
2. Jeremy: GC for reporting safety, harassment, and discrimination issues goes through
the SC feedback on the Website. Discrimination is part of the form already.
Suggested not adding more to the announcements. Stick with current GC. Keep it
simple and use the channels that are already in existence and have been
actively/effectively used for months.
3. Sarah S: Agrees with Jeremy. Her main concern was the email. It reads like a Hotline.
She worried about the safety of having an email that could be filled with spam and
other nonsense. On the Website, the spam is filtered out.
4. Kristen: Does feel that the separate form is necessary because it gives a specific
option. Maybe people don’t want their complaint read by a bunch of people. Having
the separate form gives one on one interaction when dealing with these issues that
can cause serious emotional distress. This is a way for complaints to be handled with
delicacy and giving peace of mind to those who issue complaints.
5. Donna: Would rather have complaints viewed by more the one eye. It’s important
to have proof and to have people work cooperatively to handle complaints.
6. In order to reach a compromise, Lauren motioned to remove the email section. The
discrimination form won’t be included in the cohost blurb. Add the form as an
option in the SC feedback. That way, the form is still used, but it will be on the
Website. People can follow the link the SC feedback link, and the discrimination
form will be available. People will still have the option of using the separate form.
Having both connected to each other keeps it simple.
7. New Cohost Safety Blurb: Safety is an important issue within AA GUTS — one that all
members can address to develop workable solutions and help keep our meetings
safe. Visit to learn more. These are the proper channels
to address safety concerns within the meeting. Please direct any issues or
suggestions to the appropriate resource:
Steering Committee Feedback: Steering Committee feedback builds this
group’s conscience. To report a serious safety issue, harassment, or
discrimination, offer constructive feedback to the service team, give
suggestions for improvement, or pay a compliment, please use this form Your feedback is brought to the GUTS
Steering Committee. All matters are facilitated by the group at the
Business Meetings. Please attend the Business Meetings to discuss the
8. Motion to approve 6 and 7.
– Seconded and Passed (13 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
D. “Men with men; women with women” Suggestion
1. Jeremy suggested that service team members can explicitly use this statement in
the regular meeting.
Jan 8th BM: Russell proposed that service members encourage “Men
with men. Women with women” as a suggestion while passing numbers.
Jan 8th BM: We do not govern, and numbers can still be passed
between men and women as two consenting parties.
2. Service members are currently allowed to use the suggestion in the regular meeting.
It’s not a cemented GC. I can definitely see the value in discussing this suggestion.
3. First, we offer the suggestion when opposite genders want to pass numbers. When
they consent to being mutually given the numbers, we pass them. Typically, the
male and female contact lists are passed out to the respective genders. Soon, we
should have the LGBTQIA+ list on the Website. We want that to be an option for
attendees too.
E. BM Response
1. Jeremy-Currently looking into how to get the LGBTQIA+ Contact List on the Website.
It’s ready to go live and be posted into the cohost section. He had some concerns
about safety. He worries that people will sign up to be on that list without
identifying in that way. It can be a method to prey on people. He wants to look into
ways we can implement safety measures for the contact list and hopes that we can
table this topic to give him some time.
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
2. Kristen-Safety is key. She understands why we want to have measures in place.
Maya is the Contact List Coordinator for the LGBTQIA+ list. She said that it can be
difficult or confusing to pass numbers/give out contact lists based on cohosts being
territorial about jobs. The Division of Jobs can still be a problem. We need to make it
clear that anyone can pass out lists to attendees. The only role that requires a
singular person is the prompter. Every other responsibility can be handled by
anyone who is scheduled.
3. Various members discussed the methods they use when passing numbers. Made it
clear that we do not govern when passing numbers. We can still pass numbers
between men and women consensually. Many were unclear about the wording for
“Women with women; men with men” and wanted it to be more inclusive. Many
wanted to make sure that we stay inclusive while also researching safety measures.
4. Garrett-Worried that there might be division regarding the LGBTQIA+ phone list.
Worried that the group is getting involved in outside issues. Felt that we should stay
5. Lauren-The group already voted to have a LGBTQIA+ phone list. It was created by
one of our members. Having this phone list aids the next struggling alcoholic. Many
groups offer these resources to their attendees.
6. It's equally important to show respect for differing opinions within the group.
Regardless of whether we share the same views or not, everyone in the room
deserves to be treated with kindness and empathy. Business Meetings are designed
to provide a safe space for individuals to express dissenting perspectives as well.
Dissent helps the group grow and is highly valuable.
7. Kristen-Proposed that two people can help Maya with the phone list. Having them
work together to make sure the list is safe for attendees could be helpful.
– Maybe Maya’s 2 helpers can be the ones to help her with the LGBTQIA+ Contact
8. Lisa-This is a nuanced discussion. “Men with men; Women with women.” She is not
quite sure about how to word it in a way that feels most comfortable for non-binary
people. As far as the LGBTQIA+ list, there needs to be safety measures while being
inclusive. There is a balance there. She is proud that the group is inclusive of
everyone because it creates a way to effectively honor the primary purpose. Having
a welcoming place for everyone to attend is paramount.
9. Maya-Did not feel it was right to table this because there is a simple sentence that
can be used. “Men with men; women with women. This sentence does not apply to
the LGBTQIA+ community.” “Men with men; women with women” is an antiquated
sentence. Not approving the edited statement would mean that people don’t
actually care about this issue.
10. Lauren-We can motion to approve this sentence. I was referring to tabling the info
that Jeremy discussed so that we can research safety measures for the LGBTQIA+
phone list. It’s an effort to bring something concrete to the next Business Meeting.
11. Motion to approve “Men with men; women with women. This sentence does not
apply to the LGBTQIA+ community.”
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
IX. Script Changes
A. Service Script
1. Service Announcement: AA GUTS relies on the dedication of our Hosts and Cohosts
who volunteer their time. Join our team by signing up at We
have a pressing need to fill Late Night GUTS positions as our current team operates
on limited capacity. Your contributions are vital to the group and part of the trinity
for recovery. Help us maintain the magic of LNG by stepping up and signing up for
2. Lauren motioned to make this change to the vocal script.
– Seconded and Passed (8 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
B. Sister Meeting Announcement
1. Upcoming Meetings: Beyond our regular gathering, we invite you to explore GUTS a
la carte. These sister meetings convene in the same GUTS Zoom room at 5:30pm
PT/8:30pm ET. Hosts curate unique experiences for each session. Show your support
by attending and participating.
Here's the lineup:
Mondays: Women with GUTS
Tuesdays: Traditions Meeting
Wednesdays: Big Book Study
Thursdays: Coed Step Study
Fridays: Newcomer Meeting
Saturdays: Men’s Meeting
Final Sunday of each month: Chip Meeting, celebrating sobriety milestones.
Remember, all sister meetings commence at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET. Learn more
about the sister meetings at
2. Lauren motioned to make this change to the vocal script.
– Seconded and Passed (9 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
C. Singleness of Purpose
1. Singleness of Purpose: As the third tradition states, the only requirement for AA
Membership is the desire to stop drinking. However, we do not allow drunken
shares. If you are currently drinking or under the influence of other drugs, please
feel free to stay, listen, and reach out in the chat for support and resources. You are
in the right place. In keeping with our Singleness of Purpose, please keep your
shares related to your experience with alcoholism. Please refrain from giving
unsolicited interpersonal, medical, psychiatric, and/or legal advice. Please refrain
from negative crosstalk, gossip, or outside issues in the shares or chat – as it may
cause group members to feel unsafe. AA GUTS is a safe space for recovery. No
harassment will be tolerated. If someone is making you feel unsafe during the
meeting, please alert a host or cohost immediately by sending a private message in
the chat. Please do not publicly post your phone number, email, or any personal
contact information in the chat. A service team member will happily pass any
necessary content amongst attendees.
2. (Concise Version) Singleness of Purpose: As the third tradition states, the only
requirement for AA Membership is the desire to stop drinking. Please refrain from
drunken shares. If you're currently drinking or under the influence, feel free to stay,
listen, and reach out in the chat for support. You are in the right place. Keep your
shares focused on your experience with alcoholism. The topics are available to help
guide shares. Please refrain from giving unsolicited interpersonal, medical,
psychiatric, and/or legal advice. Avoid engaging in negative crosstalk or the
controversial discussion of outside issues. AA GUTS is a safe space; no harassment
will be tolerated. Alert a host or cohost via private message if you feel unsafe. Do
not post personal contact info publicly. The cohosts will share any necessary content
amongst attendees.
3. Kristen-Wanted “service team member” changed to cohost to be more specific
about who people should contact during the meeting. Lauren agreed.
4. Maya-Wanted the word “gossip” removed because it comes across as immature.
Negatively discussing other members might be more solution-based terminology.
Lauren agreed to making the change and would simply cut out the word “gossip.”
“Negative crosstalk” should suffice in that sentence.
5. Dennis-Prefers the concise version of the Singleness of Purpose so that the
announcements don’t drag on further.
6. Lauren motioned to approve “Concise Version” as the new vocal script and applied
the amendments that Maya and Kristen offered. (The changes have been made)
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
D. Daily Topics Announcement
1. Daily Topics: Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our thought-provoking
topics, which are designed to ignite meaningful shares. These daily gems are sent
directly to your inbox. Simply visit our website at to receive the
daily topics email.
2. Lauren motioned to approve the new vocal script.
– Seconded and Passed (9 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
X. ZPolls (August SC Meeting)
A. Lisa said that it might be beneficial to have another discussion about keeping the ZPolls.
We might need to make a service position for those who issue polls.
B. BM Response
1. Lisa-Doesn’t want to keep issuing the ZPolls because they are time-consuming.
There are still pros and cons to consider for the ZPolls and the online polling. The
ZPolls solve the problem whenever nominations are competitive. This was an
isolated incident where a poll was compromised. The issue only happened once.
ZPolls keep the polling within GUTS and not outside sourcing. However, they can’t
be offered quickly because the people running them need the time to issue them.
Online polls can be administered immediately. Switching to online polls might be
easier. If we want to keep the ZPolls, then having a service position might be
2. Lauren-I don’t have a strong opinion about the polls either way. I think both are
effective. We have GC established for both sets of polling. I think establishing a
service position for polling might be helpful in the future. Lisa has been issuing polls
for a long time. Other people on the SC or otherwise need to learn to issue polls too.
Lisa and I will be termed out in a couple of months.
3. Sarah S-Was issuing the polls for a couple of hours per night. Switching to the online
polls might be easier.
4. Lauren motioned to use the online polls. She will post the relevant GC associated
with online polling in the Group Announcements. If the group wants to go back to
the ZPolls in the future, that can be an option.
– Seconded and Passed (11 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
XI. Service Practices (August SC Meeting)
A. Lauren: I motion to have the Service Practices updated on the Website with the
document that was created.
B. Lauren went over the document briefly. She has posted it a couple of times in the SC
Thread for people to look over. It has been meticulously combed through and updated
over the past three months. At this point, Lauren would rather the group just take it out
of her hands. Any other updates can be made whenever the need arises.
– Seconded and Passed (10 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
XII. Encouraging LNG Participation (August SC Feedback)
A. Mary: Hey, gang! I am deeply concerned about getting more service members in the
pipeline to keep the lights on for the still suffering alcoholic. LNG is so close to my heart,
and I adore the team we have==we just need more. I guess to sum up, I feel like the
group is forgetting what our primary purpose is. I'd love to see more focus in the
announcements about the desperate need for service and how it is part of the trinity of
recovery. We are doing a disservice to members if we don't encourage service. I'm
absolutely heartbroken that we are struggling to fill the schedule. I'd like a topic at the
next business meeting to be a round table about how to encourage more service and to
change the script for the service announcement. Thank you! (August SC Feedback)
1. The weight of LNG should not be carried by the same individuals all of the time.
Burnout is very real. Oftentimes, we have fast-tracked cohosts into Hosting for the
purpose of LATE-NIGHT Hosting. I am proposing that fast-tracking cohosts into the
Hosting position will require, at least, 1 LNG shift per week for 2 months. If this
commitment can’t be kept, then the Host will revert to cohosting only until they
meet their required hours to Host.
2. Sometimes, people get into a hurry to start hosting without wholly understanding
the responsibilities. Cohosting is a way to build trust with the group, become adept
with the meeting functioning, learn to set boundaries, perceive nuances, and
familiarize oneself with the group dynamics. Taking that required time to cohost can
help build a great foundation for Hosting. I do believe that fast-tracking should still
be allowed because having new Hosts helps the whole group and gives new
3. I would encourage some members to have some flexibility with the timeframes for
cohosting. I understand that it’s not always possible with people’s schedules. If you
have the time, jump in and help! Mixing up cohosting timeframes is a great way to
learn how this group functions and to perceive the different tones of this meeting.
Try cohosting the Sister Meetings! The Hosts of those meetings can be very inspiring
and offer a way to gain experience. Maybe you will want to Host one of the Sister
Meetings at some point. Cohosting is a beneficial starting point.
4. LNG is a special time for the meeting. Most of us who have continually done service
work for LNG see the value and beauty of this service. We hold it very near and dear
to our hearts. The attendees love that we hold a space for night owls or people who
work late. There are many of us who don’t sleep well, especially in early recovery.
LNG can be a peaceful place for people to find rest.
B. SC Response
1. Dennis-Might not need to go to the BM. He proposed a group announcement. We
need more people to volunteer for LNG. He would like to do earlier shifts
sometimes, but the need seems to be the greatest during the late-night hours.
Dennis works the shifts he is scheduled to do.
2. Kristen-There are individuals who carry the weight of LNG for extended periods of
time. People burn out. Kristen worked LNG for a very long time. Neglect during
different timeframes can be a problem in other meetings too. She would love to see
if the group has a solution. Shortening the meeting could be a potential outcome if
service members don’t fill in the later shifts. If the attendees want those hours to
stay alive, then they will step up for service to make it happen.
3. Lauren-Sister Meetings and LNG suffer the most, in terms of service work. We need
more people to say, “Yes.” Most of us who work late-night would love to get a good
night’s sleep, we all work, and have lives, but we stay up to help our late-night
attendees and the next struggling alcoholic. It’s a great period of time to help
newcomers and where the need is greatest.
– Our Sister Meetings need help too. Having only a couple of people to run those
meetings each week can be difficult to maintain. Cohosting those meetings gives
people experience with the specified meetings and an opportunity to become a
4. Lauren-I would like to modify the proposal. I propose fast-tracking cohosts to
Hosting ONLY if they agree to one of these options. If they do not follow through on
this agreement, they revert back to cohosting until they meet their required hours
for Hosting:
– 1 night of Hosting LNG per week for the first 2 months
– Become a Host for one of the Sister Meetings
5. Lauren’s Proposal-Seconded and Passed (10 Yes Votes/No Dissent)
I. 24/7 Contact List (Lauren forgot to include this….SORRY!)
II. Researching Safety Measures for the LGBTQIA+ Contact List
III. Thread Overhaul
IV. Mandatory Business Meeting Attendance for Service Leadership
V. Specifying Job Roles
VI. GC Manual
VII. Non-Facilitated Topics