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April 11, 2023 BM

BM Chair: Lauren

Secretaries: Elle/Lauren

I. Harassment Complaint

A. A severe issue of harassment was brought forward in which Stacy W was coercing a fellow member into staying in a relationship with her. Various methods including threats, fear tactics, manipulation were utilized by this individual. Numerous traditions and GC votes regarding harassment were broken.

B. Authorities were appropriately called in this situation.

C. The specific details were discussed in the BM.

D. Threats were made towards a few service team members under varying circumstances. Threats were also lodged towards the group itself in an attempt to prevent the BM from occurring.

E. After hearing these details, most group members felt that a ban was necessary for the safety of the group, meeting members, and service team.

F. Lauren motioned to ban Stacy W from the GUTS meeting.

1. Seconded and Passed (20 Yes Votes/3 No votes)

G. Lauren begged the question of “How Long?”

1. One member motioned for a 3-month ban which was seconded. Another member proposed 6 months. A few members proposed a year or permanent ban.

2. A member proposed for an indefinite ban. The parameters for “indefinite” included something that causes the group to reconsider (lengthy amount of time along with amends, etc.). Stacy will require a group vote in order to return.

– Seconded and Passed (23 Yes Votes/No Dissent)

Categories: Meeting Notes